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Student Voice

Student Forum 

Every Monday morning all students gather to share information on arrangements for the coming week. This provides a regular  platform for students to express themselves within a larger group and to learn to discern what is relevant to them personally and within the college context. Creative, imaginative ways are used to encourage all students to participate according to their ability.

A group of students enjoying some relaxation time in the house
Students on the sofa in St John's house

Student Council

This is a more formal setting where students' voices can be heard and followed up. The aim is to ensure that students' opinions are in relation to the day-to- day life of the community and also plans for the future. The Student Council contributes to the management of the community through regular reporting to the Management Group and Trustees. The annual Assessment Report addresses issues raised by the Student Council.

House meetings 

House meetings take place weekly in each house community with everyone present, an inclusive platform where students may reflect on practical issues such as their house tasks, menu planning and friendships. The planning of forthcoming events such as parties, birthdays and the organisation of the weekend often forms a large part of the meetings. Where possible students will  learn to chair meetings and, with support, write up minutes.