Previous Campaigns
Minibus fundraising campaign
In June 2024 we were thrilled to reach our fundraising target of £65,000 to replace our 20 year old minibus, which is on its last legs, with a new 14-seater minibus and train staff to drive it. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity towards this appeal and there were so many innovative and brilliant fundraising initiatives from sponsored runs, walks, digs, family day proceeds, birthday donations, dinners and tuck shop proceeds - a huge thank you to all involved. We also received grants from The Albert Hunt Trust, The WO Street Foundation and The National Lottery Community Fund which help endorse the need and the work of The Mount. As you can imagine, there is a lot of excitement at the prospect of getting the new vehicle and we hope that this will be purchased very soon. The old minibus we are replacing, will be donated to a nominated charity in Tanzania, at the Mwanangu special school.

Pond House fundraising campaign
Having raised the ambitious total of £612,154 enabling Pond House extension and refurbishment work to happen, six cohousing supported living members moved in to the house in October 2022.
We are grateful to everyone who gave so generously to the campaign, our supporters included 17 well respected Trusts and Foundations (see the list here), several generous individuals, local community fundraising initiatives, student and cohouser families and The Mount’s own fundraising initiatives.
Pond House landscaping and boardwalk fundraising campaigns
Two smaller appeals raised funds for further improvements at Pond House - the landscaping and creation of safe and appealing spaces, including a boardwalk to protect and surround our unique and unusual pond feature. All this work will complement the wonderfully refurbished interior and create a beautiful outdoor surrounding space for everyone living at Pond House and their visitors to enjoy.
A huge thank you to everyone who supported these campaigns!