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How You Can Help

There are many fun ways you can help us to raise funds to support our young people

In the past our wonderful supporters have raised funds by completing a range of challenge events, including sponsored marathons, skydives, walks and swims, others have organised birthday tea parties and a host of other fun activities!

We are here to help you set up your own fundraising page and can advise on events and sponsorship. 

For information and ideas, download our brochure at the bottom of this page, or get in touch with Vicky on 01892 782025 or send an email to our fundraising team.

However much you raise, you’ll be making a real difference to the life of a young person with learning disabilities living, working and studying at The Mount. 

For example:

  • £50 could buy equipment for the pottery, bakery, garden, weavery, woodwork or cookery workshops.
  • £200 could pay for resources for our social enterprise ventures such as candle-making and soap production.
  • £500 would help to fund the cost of an outdoor adventure or enrichment activities, like a sailing course or art workshop.
  • £1,000 would help to fund visiting artists, musicians and performing groups.



Turn your everyday online shopping into free donations, at no cost to you.

All you have to do is start your online shopping at, then shop as normal.  There are over 4,000 retailers to choose from and when you have shopped they will make a small donation to us to say ‘thank you’.  Remember you will always need to log in via easyfundraising each time you shop for this to work.

Gift Aid

Make your donation go further with Gift Aid.

By completing a Gift Aid form we can claim extra money on donations you have given in the past.  For every £1 you donate we can claim back a further 25p.  So, if you have made a donation to The Mount and are eligible, please fill out this Gift Aid form today.  It will not cost you anything but will help us on our way to our fundraising target!