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We strive to provide the fullest possible life for those who stay with us.  Our main operating costs are met through government funding, but the personalised, enriched experience we hope to offer is only possible through the funding we receive from voluntary donations and fundraising.  We are a registered charity (no. 307027) and registered with the Fundraising Regulator. 

Current Appeal

We are currently fundraising for outdoor Trim Trail apparatus to have in the grounds at The Mount.

At The Mount, everyone is encouraged to maintain their health and wellbeing.  We are aiming to raise £35,000 for a variety of apparatus to create an outdoor fitness area promoting exercise and physical fitness for everyone here, including balancing, climbing, swinging and hanging equipment. Below are a few examples of the sort of apparatus we are hoping to buy.

For more information about the appeal and to make a donation, please go to our fundraising page:


Other ways to support The Mount

There are other ways you can support us, for example through making a regular donation and becoming a Friend of The Mount, organising your own fundraising event, leaving us a gift in your will.  Information and ideas can be found via the tabs on the right of this page.

Get in touch with the fundraising team by calling Vicky Hall on 01892 782025 or send an email to the fundraising team.