The Mount is a Specialist Further Education College for young adults with moderate to severe learning disabilities, aged 16 – 25, offering residential and day provision. Our vision is Living, Learning and Working. Formal and informal education merges across the waking day curriculum with students able to transfer skills from college to work experience and within the home environment. The Mount provides the opportunity for a 3 year college experience with a view that this might extend beyond this timeframe should individuals require additional educational input.
The Mount Curriculum brings together 3 elements:
Skills for Independence, Craft and Movement. Our Skills for Independence element gives students the opportunity to learn, embed and transfer life skills, work skills, work experience, PSHE and functional skills in order to prepare for their lives after college.
Our Craft element gives our students the opportunity to learn a range of practical skills through a sensory and therapeutic approach.
Our Movement element supports the physical and mental development of our students, working individually and as a group on stamina and perseverance. British Values are embedded throughout The Mount Curriculum, within the 3 elements of Skills for Independence, Craft and Movement.

All students have individualised study programmes with their personal learning aims based around their Education, Health and Care Plans. These learning aims are embedded across their learning day throughout sessions, therapies and the home environment. The Mount offers a range of accredited and non-accredited learning opportunities across The Mount Curriculum.
Through The Mount Curriculum - Skills for Independence, Craft and Movement - students are offered opportunities to achieve formal qualifications in Pre-vocational Study, Vocational Study, Work Skills, Independent Living, Home Cooking Skills, and Functional Skills through the awarding bodies of Pearson Edexcel and LASER. All other non-accredited learning within college follows RARPA processes (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) which measures student progress and outcome achievement through delivery of The Mount Curriculum.
The Mount offers a range of specialised therapies which nurture the whole person. These include Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Eurythmy Therapy, Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Bothmer Gymnastics, Embodiment and Rhythmical Massage.
The Anthroposophical, educational philosophy which underpins the work at The Mount is based on Rudolf Steiner’s pedagogical approach which aims to create a healthy and positive balance between the three human aspects of Thinking, Feeling and Willing.
Please visit our admissions page to request a Prospectus and for further information about making an application.
Following Ofsted’s short Inspection on 7th and 8th November 2023, The Mount has continued to be judged as a Good provider. Please download the file below to view the full report. You can also view the report on the Ofsted website.